TFT Hyper Roll Ranks, Ranking System and Rewards

Dive into the electrifying realm of TFT Hyper Roll, where strategic prowess meets fast-paced thrills. As you ascend the competitive ladder, understanding the intricate ranking system is crucial for charting your path to victory. This definitive guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the TFT Hyper Roll ranks, transforming you into a formidable force within the Hyperverse.

Delving into the TFT Hyper Roll Ranking System

Unlike its standard counterpart, TFT Hyper Roll employs a unique ranking structure, utilizing distinct tiers instead of the familiar Iron to Challenger designations. As you embark on your Hyper Roll journey, you’ll traverse through the following tiers.

TFT Hyper Roll Ranks

  • Gray: The starting point for all aspiring Hyper Rollers, where you’ll hone your skills and lay the foundation for future triumphs.
  • Green: Progressing beyond Gray, you’ll encounter more seasoned players, demanding tactical adaptability and strategic finesse.
  • Blue: Entering the realm of experienced Hyper Rollers, you’ll need to master complex team compositions and outwit your opponents with calculated maneuvers.
  • Purple: Ascending to the upper echelons of competition, you’ll face off against elite players, requiring exceptional strategic depth and unwavering focus.
  • Hyper: The pinnacle of Hyper Roll mastery, where only the most skilled tacticians and creative minds reside. Prepare for intense battles and the ultimate test of your Hyper Roll prowess.

Hyper Roll has its own ranking system, which uses Gray (0 points), Green (1400 points), Blue (2600 points), Purple (3400 points) and Hyper (4200+ points) levels instead of the standard Iron to Challenger levels.

TFT Hyper Roll ranks

Players will earn ranked rewards based on the highest rating they achieve at the end of each stage, starting at the Gray level. Hyper Roll will have its own separate ranked rewards at the end of the set.

TFT Hyper Roll Ranking

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Within each tier, you’ll accumulate Ranked Points (RP) based on your performance in matches. Victories grant RP, while defeats result in RP deductions. The more RP you amass, the higher your position within the tier, propelling you closer to the next echelon.

Unlock TFT hyper roll rewards

As you ascend the TFT Hyper Roll ranks, you’ll be rewarded for your dedication and skill. These rewards, exclusive to Ranked play, commemorate your achievements and showcase your mastery of the Hyperverse.

Tips for Ascending the Ranks

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of the evolving Hyper Roll meta, adapting your strategies to counter emerging trends and compositions.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Hone your skills through regular gameplay, experimenting with different team compositions and refining your decision-making.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Review your past matches, identifying areas for improvement and learning from your mistakes.
  • Seek Guidance: Observe top Hyper Roll players, studying their strategies and incorporating their insights into your own gameplay.


The path to Hyper Roll mastery is paved with strategic brilliance, unwavering determination, and a deep understanding of the ranking system. Embrace the challenges, learn from your experiences, and revel in the thrill of competition as you conquer the Hyperverse, one rank at a time.

Additional Resources

Official Hyper Roll Guide:

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